Germany is preparing a new Human Capital Coalition with qualified personnel to ensure the reconstruction of Ukraine.

German Development Minister Svenja Schulze said that due to the Russian war of aggression, approximately 11 million Ukrainians are either at the front, displaced within the country, or have been forced to go abroad, and therefore do not take a direct part in Ukraine’s reconstruction.
“Ukraine urgently needs qualified workers. Therefore, together with Ukraine, we are preparing an alliance for qualified workers, to which international partners and companies can join,” she explained.
She added that about 8,000 specialists have already received training in the energy field since the full-scale invasion began. The initiative’s main partners are UNICEF, the EBRD, and the EU. The main emphasis will be on education in fields including health care, construction, IT, agriculture, and renewable energy sources.
The initiative is primarily aimed at Ukrainians and will allow them to study abroad and participate in the recovery after returning to their homeland. The initiative will be launched at the conference on the restoration of Ukraine on June 11-12 in Berlin.