Experts record an increase in home purchases made over time.

The share of home purchase agreements on installment terms reached 95% in March 2024, while the figure was 85% a year ago and 70% in the pre-war period, analysts from the DIM group of companies reported.
The following programs are in greatest demand among clients: interest-free installment programs, long-term installment plans from the developer from three to five years, installment plans for the initial payment – payment of the first installment within three months, and the eOselya program for ready-made apartments.
As of March 2024, in the structure of purchase agreements, 50% are concluded with a down payment of 20-30% of the apartment’s value, while a year ago, they accounted for only 35%, and in March 2021 – only 15% of the total number of agreements. Another 20% of deals are currently concluded with a down payment of 10-20%, and only 10% of deals are with 31-50%, while in the pre-war period this option was more popular (35% of deals).