Experts compare consumer purchasing attitudes in Ukraine, the EU, and the US; Ukrainians tighten their belts with technology and entertainment.

According to experts, in 2023 Ukrainians spent 66% of their monthly budget on food and other living expenses. On the other hand, in neighboring Poland only 36%, in Germany – 40%, and in the US – 33%.
So, in Europe and the US, 10-12% of consumers’ monthly budgets are being spent on purchasing electronics, household appliances, and household goods; in Ukraine, only 2%. On average, 15-20% is spent on leisure abroad, with 2% in Ukraine. For comparison, Ukrainians spend 3% of their budget on donations and charity.
Depending on the category of goods, 41% to 77% of Ukrainians save compared to the other countries. Although the indicator is still high, there is a positive trend when compared to 2022 (47-86%). They save the least on medicines, children’s goods, and the purchase of ready-made food. Most of all, they purchase clothes and shoes, household goods, cosmetics, and chemicals.
65% save on entertainment outside the home, but online entertainment is becoming more popular: 32% increased spending on TV and streaming channels.