Every year the number of IT companies in Ukraine grows by 10%.

Friday, July 21, 2023
Every year the number of IT companies in Ukraine grows by 10%.

At the time of the full-scale invasion, there were about 4,500 IT companies in Ukraine. According to Kharkiv IT Research 2021, about 10% of IT companies close every year. But new companies are opening that counter this outflow from the market and add 5–10%.

During the war, the IT business began a large-scale migration of its teams, which still continues. According to the Kharkiv IT Cluster, 280,000-300,000 specialists currently work in the Ukrainian IT sector. Approximately 20% (56,000–60,000 people) are currently relocated abroad.

Thus, these businesses can demonstrate risk diversification to clients, obtain new contracts, and extend previous ones by involving mixed teams of specialists in Ukraine and abroad. 

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