Monday, March 24
EU accession will strengthen Ukraine and the entire bloc.
Monday, May 13, 2024

Olga Stefanishyna, the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, is convinced that Ukraine will become stronger as a full member of the EU. At the same time, Ukraine’s integration will strengthen the EU. Ukraine has several factors that will ensure this:
- The first is security. After joining the EU, Ukraine will have one of the largest armies with practical experience in resisting full-scale aggression that is significantly superior in quantity, resources, and finances.
- The second is logistics. Ukraine can expand the European logistics network to the east, becoming a new transport hub within the European-Asian transport corridors. Maritime transport is extremely important for the European economy. Ukraine’s accession to the EU Single Market will contribute to the realization of Ukraine’s potential as a transit country.
- The third is agriculture. Ukraine’s integration will positively impact EU food security and the EU’s position in global agricultural trade.
- The fourth is the economy. This entails increasing opportunities for trade, strengthening energy security, increasing resilience, more secure supply chains, a wider choice of goods and services, and the EU Single Market’s decreased dependence on third countries.