Economic experts have identified dangerous economic trends in Ukraine.

In the last four months, Ukraine exported goods worth $13.5B, the same as last year. Ukraine rapidly increased the physical volume of exports from 36 to 49 million tons against significantly lower world prices, experts of the Institute of Economic Research noted. The structure of exports has also changed: the export of ore has resumed, almost equal to the indicators from before the invasion.
At the same time, however, there are also dangerous economic trends emerging. In particular, the import of goods in April amounted to $5.9B, similar to the March indicators and 27% higher than last year. From January to April, the country imported goods worth $21.9B. This led to the total deficit in trade in goods reaching $8.5B, $1.5B higher than a year ago.
In most cases, imports that contribute to the trade imbalance arrive in Ukraine from two economic zones: the EU with $3.6B and China $3.1B. These imports account for almost 80% of the total value of deficit-causing imports, that is, those goods whose value exceeds current Ukrainian exports.