Despite the war, Ukrainian retailers significantly expanded their store networks.

As of the end of October 2023, 17,692 stores in the main retail sectors (including the entertainment sector) were operating in Ukraine, which is 1.9% more than in 2021. In 10 months of this year, 1,975 trade facilities started or resumed operation.
Compared to the pre-war indicators, the number of stores in operation by mid-autumn of the current year showed positive dynamics, amounting to 101.9%. In addition, during the 20 months of full-scale war, the number of open and working shops increased by almost 31%, erasing the 29% decline in March 2022.
The largest number of operating stores is concentrated in Kyiv and the region, as well as in the Lviv and Dnipropetrovsk regions. These three regions account for 44% of all working stores of the surveyed retailers.
The best dynamics of development were demonstrated by pharmacy chains, which increased their number of operating points by 16% compared to the figures for 2021.