Despite the war, the agricultural land market in Ukraine remains active.

From the start of Ukraine’s land market in 2021, 145,091 land sale agreements for agricultural land with a total area of almost 325,000 hectares have been concluded. This is a good indicator that the agricultural land market in Ukraine, despite the war, remains viable and attractive to investors.
Analysts from KSE note that the Kharkiv Region is the overall leader, where 1.59% of all agricultural land in the region has been in circulation since the launch of the land market. The smallest share of land in circulation is observed in the east of Ukraine, which has been affected by hostilities since 2014, and in the west of Ukraine, where the relatively small land plots complicate the agricultural land market.
In May 2023, 27,600 land transactions took place in Ukraine, the most numerous of which was inheritance. Since the reopening of the market as of the end of May this year, 732 plots with a total area of more than 2,500 hectares have been mortgaged.