Demand at primary government bond auctions has dropped to a low point.

Thursday, February 20, 2025
Demand at primary government bond auctions has dropped to a low point.

On February 18, the Ministry of Finance raised ₴249.42M for the state budget at an auction for domestic government bonds, which is ₴770.58M less than the previous week. These are the results from the auction:

  1. ₴97.83M in bonds were sold at 15.81% maturing on June 24, 2026 (last week, the weighted average yield was 15.84%)
  2. ₴151.58M in bonds were sold at 16.94% maturing on June 9, 2027 (last week, 16.9%)

Demand at the seventh primary government bond auction in 2025 fell to its lowest level in several years. However, the decline in demand can be partially explained by the debut auction that took place on February 19 to exchange bonds issued in 2019-2020, with ₴41.08B being collected with repayment on February 26 for two-year bonds, which were issued last week at 16.65% per annum.

The Law on the State Budget 2025 provides for the issuance of OVDPs for ₴579.22B, with a repayment volume of ₴561.98B.


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