Concorde Capital has pointed out the shortcomings of the Ukrainian war economy.

Ihor Mazepa, the founder of the investment company Concorde Capital, noted that the first and most crucial problem of Ukraine’s military economy is a significant lack of qualified personnel. This is a phenomenon observed across Ukraine that is not dependent on region. The banker said the problem is much more global than it appears. It creates risks not only in the current moment but is also one of the main risks for economic recovery and growth.
A separate feature seen in workforce demographics is that currently three-quarters of Ukraine’s workers are female. Mazepa sees the solution to such a noticeable imbalance in a well-thought-out state military recruiting campaign.
Another problem emphasized by the business community is the lack of trust in the future. Developing long-term foundations of a military economy is possible only if business sees prospects.
“Until the business community has confidence that this market will continue to exist in the next 5-10 years, no one will invest money,” Mazepa stated.