Capitalization of agricultural holdings decreased by almost €2B.

Agricultural holdings’ capitalization decreased during the IV quarter of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022. According to experts, this is related to the internal situation in these companies, the situation on the stock exchanges, and fluctuations in the currency exchange rate in which the shares were traded.
The exceptions were agricultural holdings Astarta-Kyiv and Ovostar Union, which demonstrated an increase in capitalization in the fourth quarter of 2023 compared to the fourth quarter of 2022. The reasons for this were an increase in the share price and the volume of shares traded on stock exchanges.
A partial recovery of capitalization was demonstrated by agricultural holdings MHP and Ukrproduct, but this did not affect the overall picture. For most of the reporting period, they demonstrated a decrease in capitalization.
According to calculations, the total capitalization of agricultural holdings (MHP, Kernel, Agroton, Astarta-Kyiv, AgroGeneration, Milkiland, IMK, KSG Agro, Ovostar Union, Ukrproduct, Agroliga) for the IV quarter of 2023 year amounted to €10.8B, which is €1.95B (15.3%) less than for the same period in 2022 (€12.77B).