Businesses sees instability, financial problems, and a lack of solvent customers as the main obstacles to recovery in wartime conditions.

According to the Condition and needs of business in wartime study, among the main development problems 50.5% of surveyed businessmen named the lack of a sufficient number of paying customers. In addition, 48.4% of respondents suffer from the unpredictability dynamics of the situation in Ukraine and the domestic market, and 40.4% point to the lack of sufficient capital. Furthermore, businesses cited the blocking of tax invoices (42.2%), delays with logistics at the border, queues at customs points (21.1%), and denial of access to the state Affordable loan program 5- 7-9% (13.9%). The power outage also affected business operations in January. Nearly 7.8% stated that they stopped their activities due to a problem with energy supply, 12.8% lost up to 80% of turnover, 16.7% up to 50% of turnover, 28.3% up to 20-30% of turnover, 19.2% up to 10% of turnover. At the same time, only 15.1% of business people reported that the electrical supply had practically no effect on their work.