Bankers predict that in 2024 businesses will need ₴100-150B under the State Program Affordable Loans at 5-7-9%.

Bankers think that this demand will be observed from small and medium-sized businesses. It is assumed that, depending on the interest rate, the loan amount, etc., that in 2024 the potential number of issued loans may be around 60,000. At the same time, these forecasts do not consider several factors, such as the economy’s development, the discount rate, etc.
Since the beginning of the program, entrepreneurs have already received almost 74,000 loans worth ₴242B total. And since the beginning of the full-scale invasion under the 5-7-9 program, more than 39,000 loans, for more than ₴152B, have already been issued.
Regarding the structure of loans by economic sector, more than 40% of the total issued loan volume since the beginning of the program is for agriculture, 32% are trade loans, and 12% relate to the service sector.