Although billed as coronavirus relief, the aid is tied to quantifiable progress on free market reforms:

Thursday, July 23, 2020
Although billed as coronavirus relief, the aid is tied to quantifiable progress on free market reforms:

Although billed as coronavirus relief, the aid is tied to quantifiable progress on free market reforms: improving courts, increasing transparency of medical procurement, and improving corporate governance for state-owned companies, and building anti-corruption bodies.This shows our continued support to Ukraine’s reform agenda,” said Valdis Dombrovskis, the European Commission’s executive vice president for economy. “We will continue our strong engagement to support the reform orientation and strategic path that Ukraine has chosen to follow.”

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Starting Aug. 1, citizens of Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman can enter Ukraine without visas and stay for 90 days

Starting Aug. 1, citizens of Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman can enter Ukraine without visas and stay for 90 days

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French shipbuilder Ocea has signed a €136.5 million contract with Ukraine’s Border Guard Service to provide 20 fast patrol boats by 2023.

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