Activitis Financial Company and VisionFund Ukraine have joined forces to support small and medium-sized businesses.

The initiative involves:
- Expanding access to financing for micro, small, and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine
- Developing a program to finance franchise businesses
- Promoting joint initiatives in the non-banking sector to improve the regulatory environment and business ethics.
The third point involves promoting clear rules in the financial market, implementing international standards to increase investor confidence, attracting international investments and donor support to increase financing volumes, and creating mutually beneficial opportunities for businesses within the framework of Activitis and VisionFund Ukraine programs.
The program announced by the companies aims to develop small businesses, create jobs, and support the Ukrainian economy by scaling successful business models. About 80% of those interested in a franchise are entrepreneurs with experience or managers who have saved money for their businesses. Most franchisees are immigrants from other regions looking for business opportunities in their new hometowns.