About 10% of Ukrainian refugees will remain abroad after the war.

According to Ministry of Economy estimates, there are currently 5.3 to 6.2 million Ukrainians displaced abroad, including about 1.5 million in the aggressor country. The majority are women aged 25-49, the vast share of whom have higher education and were working before the start of the full-scale invasion. At the same time, most refugees are inclined to return to Ukraine, mainly after victory, but 7-10% have already decided to stay abroad.
Given these statistics, the Ukrainian government is already developing a policy for returning lost human capital. “The return of our citizens is important for ensuring Ukraine’s quick and sustainable economic recovery. After the victory, the need for labor resources will increase significantly”, noted Economy Minister Yuliya Svyridenko.
The government believes that the end of the war, the development of the economy, and the reconstruction of infrastructure and housing, as well as employment opportunities, are the main factors in persuading Ukrainians to return home.