A Polish logistics company has transferred €100M worth of assets from Russia to Ukraine and is investing €250M in the economic exchange program between Ukraine and the EU.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023
A Polish logistics company has transferred €100M worth of assets from Russia to Ukraine and is investing €250M in the economic exchange program between Ukraine and the EU.

As the company reported, the transferred assets were all previously located in Russia and the countries of Central Asia. Among other things, the transfer included 510 specialized railway platforms and several thousand containers, which are used to transport products from Ukraine to Europe.

The Laude group of companies also plans to invest €250M in the economic exchange program between Ukraine and the EU. The company plans to increase its investment in Ukraine by purchasing locomotives, wagons, and containers. Laude reported that after a thorough and lengthy inspection in May, they received approval for cooperation with Ukrainian Railways.

At the same time, Laude’s development plans go beyond expanding logistics systems. Many specialists from Ukraine work among the company’s several hundred employees. It is also reported that the company is working on a training program for machinists from Ukraine.

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