A new industrial park with a ₴2.4B total investment will be built in the Khmelnytskyi region.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024
A new industrial park with a ₴2.4B total investment will be built in the Khmelnytskyi region.

The Cabinet of Ministers has entered into the register a new industrial park, Teofipol Eco Park, in the Khmelnytskyi region, creating more than 1,550 jobs on 30.8 hectares. The total volume of capital investment in constructing the facility on its territory is approximately ₴2.43B ($60M).

The industrial site’s key areas of activity will be the production of paper pulp, paper, cardboard, and products made from them; production of wallpaper and stationery, as well as biogas, bioethanol, and bioplastics; food industry products; alternative energy equipment; scientific and technical activities; information and telecommunications.

In turn, the Formatsia.Lviv industrial park, managed by the Alterra Group, received more than ₴114M in funding from the Ministry of Economy under the Made in Ukraine program for infrastructure construction and development. The funds are intended to establish key infrastructure elements, particularly energy supply, water supply, water drainage, and sewage. The state will allocate ₴1B to support industrial parks next year.


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