A chain of perfume and cosmetics stores increased its turnover by 40% and plans to invest about ₴1.5B in development.

In 2023 EVA opened 59 new stores and increased its turnover by 40% compared to 2022. As of December 31, the network had 1,061 stores. In 2024, the company plans to open about 60 more stores. Planned investment in this direction amounts to about ₴200M.
To increase efficiency, EVA invests significant funds in the development of logistics, including the development and modernization of warehouse facilities. In Lviv, the company is building a new phase of a 9,000 square warehouse for e-commerce.
The warehouse capacity in the Kyiv and Lviv regions is increasing due to the construction of mezzanines at current facilities. In September, an e-commerce hub was launched in Dnipro.
After a break, a project to build a logistics hub in Odesa resumed. The area of the Odessa hub’s first stage should be 20,000 square meters.
Preliminary investments in logistics infrastructure in 2024 may amount to ₴1.3B.