Every seventh Ukrainian is unemployed.

Friday, March 21, 2025
Every seventh Ukrainian is unemployed.

According to 2024’s results, Ukraine’s average unemployment rate decreased to 14.3%. In 2023 the unemployment rate was 17.4%, in 2022 – 18.5%, the Center for Economic Strategy notes.

“The labor market remained uneven: there were many vacancies, but unemployment still remained high, which indicates the presence of structural unemployment. The shortage of labor has become one of the key problems of business,” researchers noted.

The personnel shortage has intensified competition between employers, which has stimulated the growth of real wages, even compared to the pre-war period. At the same time, companies have been more active in attracting women, students, and older workers to positions that were previously occupied mainly by men.

“However, retraining takes time, and the number of workers continues to decline due to mobilization and people leaving abroad. Therefore, imbalances in the labor market will persist in the coming years,” the analysts summarized.


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