Furniture retail is actively expanding in Ukraine, with both international and domestic manufacturers investing in new store openings.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
Furniture retail is actively expanding in Ukraine, with both international and domestic manufacturers investing in new store openings.

In 2024, international company JYSK launched 13 new stores in Ukraine and renovated eight existing ones, bringing the total number of its retail locations to 124. Last year, JYSK invested ₴278.5M ($6.7M) in network expansion, store updates, and service improvements. The company’s revenue grew by 4.8%, reaching nearly ₴6.7B. The company plans to continue its expansion in Ukraine by opening and updating 20 stores in 2025.

Meanwhile, Kyiv manufacturer ViYar is bringing digitalization to the Ukrainian furniture market by introducing user-friendly web-based service, and is also rapidly expanding its physical footprint. In two years, it has expanded its store network by 33%, reaching 20 locations. New stores have opened in Odesa, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Lviv, and Kyiv, and the company aims to establish locations in every regional center.

European furniture giants do not compete with ViYar, as they operate in a different niche. ViYar produces customized items and has a significant number of B2B partners, enabling it to offer prices 20-60% lower than those in Europe. The company boasts a showroom and production facility in Warsaw.


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