A Ukrainian company is investing ₴1B in the launch of a powerful meat processing hub in the Khmelnytskyi region.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
A Ukrainian company is investing ₴1B in the launch of a powerful meat processing hub in the Khmelnytskyi region.

The Vitagro group of companies, with assets in the agricultural, energy, processing, construction, and chemical industries, said that investors will create enterprises for pork and chicken processing, as well as place a complex to produce semi-finished meat products, sausages and canned goods and a refrigeration shop for meat storage on a ​​10-hectare area in the Future Industry Hub industrial park in the Khmelnytskyi region.

Total project investment is estimated at ₴1B ($24.3M), part of which Vitagro is supplying. Vitagro is already working with the future residents of the industrial park and will attract additional investments from them.

At least 350 jobs will be created in the Future Industry Hub. After the project’s full launch, more than ₴13M in taxes and other deductions will be added annually to the local budget of the Volochysk community.


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