Ukraine’s energy mix is ​​greener than the EU’s energy mix; Ukraine can help Europe with decarbonization.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Ukraine’s energy mix is ​​greener than the EU’s energy mix; Ukraine can help Europe with decarbonization.

The top manager of Metinvest, Andriy Kryl, noted that the Ukrainian and European metallurgical sectors face the same challenges.

“We are talking about decarbonization, about the production of green steel, about changing the way the entire industry is organized, and we believe that the joining of efforts and some projects between Ukrainian and European parties can be useful, and Ukraine can to some extent help to green the European metallurgical industry because we have the largest reserves of iron ore in Europe that are suitable for the new way of production. Our energy mix is, for various reasons, greener than the average energy mix in the EU,” he explained.

Kryl also emphasized that the carbon tariff (CBAM), which will become fully operational in 18 months, will soon become a new operating obstacle in the European market for Ukrainian companies. However, he hopes that the dialogue between Ukraine and the EU will help to overcome these obstacles and that trade flows will remain uninterrupted.


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