
The ISW: Putin’s plans to defeat Ukraine; and Kyiv needs more weapons to avoid prolonging the war.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024
The ISW: Putin’s plans to defeat Ukraine; and Kyiv needs more weapons to avoid prolonging the war.

Russia’s ability to advance indefinitely in Ukraine will encourage Putin to prolong the war, ISW analysts say. Putin believes that the longer the war lasts, the more likely he is to achieve his goals. Therefore, experts advise the West to quickly provide Ukraine with sufficient support for a counteroffensive to dispel Putin’s hopes for a victory. A war of attrition will encourage the Russian dictator to seize new territories while he is convinced that the Ukrainian army is unable to either stop his advance or carry out effective counterattacks.

In this context, it is worth recalling the words of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who noted that Ukrainians and their Western partners evaluate the concept of victory in this war differently. The West is afraid to bet on a complete victory for Ukraine because of it fears the Russian Federation’s capabilities. However, any advance by the Russian Federation only strengthens Putin’s position, and he may reach a truce that will allow him to prepare for new aggression against Ukraine.


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