IFC: Liberalization of energy prices is needed to unlock $97B in energy investment.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
IFC: Liberalization of energy prices is needed to unlock $97B in energy investment.

The top manager of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group, Ines Rocha, said: “Reforms in the energy sector, including the liberalization of energy prices, are of key importance, as they can unlock additional private sector investment opportunities of $97B.”

She added that Ukraine has lost a significant part of its electrical generation capacity since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. Private investors could meet a significant share of Ukraine’s reconstruction needs with the right reforms and policy measures.

“Renewable energy, in particular, opens up significant opportunities. The IFC is actively working on near-term opportunities to stimulate the development of alternative business models and is also preparing for medium-term expansion provided that key reforms are adopted,” Rocha emphasized.

She added that Ukraine can achieve greater energy security and increase environmental sustainability by overcoming challenges and using opportunities in the RES sector.


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