Zhytomyr launches a green CHP plant that will burn sorted garbage.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Zhytomyr launches a green CHP plant that will burn sorted garbage.

One of the bio-CHP plants in Zhytomyr, which was planned to operate on wood chips, will switch to 50% refuse derived fuel (RDF) from the local waste processing plant, Deputy Mayor of Zhytomyr Serhii Kondratyuk said.

According to him, at the suggestion of the city council, investors reworked the bio-CHP project, which will produce 20 MW of heat from wood chips (40 MW was planned) and 20 MW from RDF. In addition, its design capacity also includes the production of 10 MW of electricity. However, it is not yet known when exactly the waste processing plant will be able to produce the required volumes of RDF.

During the plant’s test operation it became clear that it does not conform to the parameters specified during the design: 85% recycling and 15% returned to the landfill. Therefore, an additional purchase of equipment is planned to meet these parameters. At the same time, as the deputy mayor noted, the most likely reason for the deviations is the composition of the garbage, most of which is organic waste.

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