With initials barely dry on Friday’s IMF staff level agreement, Ukraine meets investors today and tomorrow in London and New York to place up $2 billion in 10-year bonds.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
With initials barely dry on Friday’s IMF staff level agreement, Ukraine meets investors today and tomorrow in London and New York to place up $2 billion in 10-year bonds.

With initials barely dry on Friday’s IMF staff level agreement, Ukraine meets investors today and tomorrow in London and New York to place up $2 billion in 10-year bonds. BNP Paribas, Citi, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are organizing the roadshow. Depending on investor response, Ukraine also may sell five-year bonds. S&P and Fitch rate Ukraine as B- with a stable outlook. In the last such sale, one year ago, Ukraine placed 15-year Eurobonds for $ 3 billion with a yield of 7.375%.

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