With European gas prices almost two thirds below the peak of one year ago, Ukraine’s household gas prices are not expected to be a debating point with the IMF.

Thursday, September 12, 2019
With European gas prices almost two thirds below the peak of one year ago, Ukraine’s household gas prices are not expected to be a debating point with the IMF.

With European gas prices almost two thirds below the peak of one year ago, Ukraine’s household gas prices are not expected to be a debating point with the IMF. With stocks high and production strong, European gas prices could drop another 20% this fall, according to analysts quoted by Bloomberg. As of Wednesday, Ukraine has 19 billion cubic meters in storage, almost enough to get through the winter. Prime Minister Honacharuk confidently told reporters recently: “When a politician starts to interfere with the price, it leads to two things: inefficiency, corruption, and populism. It should not be.”

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