Why did the national debt increase by $1.01B in August, and to whom does the state owe the most?

According to the Ministry of Finance, Ukraine’s state and state-guaranteed debt increased by $1.01B in August because the state budget received the seventh tranche of €1.5B of macro-financial assistance from the EU. With that, at the end of the month state and state-guaranteed debt amounted to $133.93B.
The largest portion of the debt comprises loans from international financial organizations and foreign governments (45.23%). This is followed by borrowing on the domestic market through the sale of government securities (30.21%). In August, the Ministry of Finance held 15 bonds auctions and raised ₴27.25B. The share of debt from securities issued on the foreign market is 18.1%, and other creditors account for 6.46% of the debt.
At the same time, since the beginning of the year, the value of state and state-guaranteed debt has decreased by 0.71 percentage points to 6.97%.