What is the current price for land in Ukraine, and how has it changed since the Land Market opened in 2021?

According to industry experts, the price of land at the beginning of trade in Ukraine’s agricultural land market in 2021 was ₴32,972 per hectare, roughly €1,000 at the 2021 exchange rate. Despite the war, market volume has increased by 200% over the past 3.5 years.
During this time, official statistics indicate that the average cost rose to ₴46,683 per hectare by the end of 2024 – an increase of 41.6% in hryvnia (about 11.9% per year). In terms of euros, the growth is smaller – only 8.66% for the entire period, or 2.47% per year (based on the exchange rate at the end of 2024).
However, official statistics do not reflect actual market activity. Land prices exceed $3,000 per hectare in the highly competitive central regions. According to global accounting standards, the fair value of a hectare in Ukraine ranges from $1,667 to $2,500 in the northern areas and from $2,500 to $5,000 in the central regions and near ports. These figures were confirmed by the IVSC, ranging from $1,500 to $2,500 per hectare.