What awaits bank depositors through the end of the year?

Inflation is forecast to be within 5-6% from September to December. Considering current deposit rates, individual depositors can not only protect their funds from depreciation but also receive a 3-4% net profit, as predicted by financial analysts. In September compared to August, the average yield on hryvnia deposits generally does not undergo significant change. Thus, the return on deposits for 3-6 months will be 10% per annum and for 9-12 months 11−12% per annum. The highest profit is possible with long-term deposits – from 1-2.5 years – on average up to 12-13% per annum. The average return on currency deposits will remain constant: Average rates will not exceed 1.5% per annum for the dollar and 1.3% for the euro. “Therefore, the net profit from the shortest hryvnia deposits will almost triple the income from foreign currency deposits,” financiers emphasized. The hryvnia to foreign currency deposit ratio is 80% against 20%. That is, hryvnia deposits dominate, and this ratio is unlikely to change significantly in the next 3-4 months.