USAID is investing $250M in the Ukrainian agricultural sector, which will increase exports by $1.5B and attract $500M in private investment.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
USAID is investing $250M in the Ukrainian agricultural sector, which will increase exports by $1.5B and attract $500M in private investment.

Deputy Administrator of USAID Isobel Coleman said: “I am pleased to present the launch of the USAID Harvest program, which is directly aimed at investing in the future of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Over five years, USAID will invest more than $250M in reconstruction and expansion of the agricultural sector so that it can flourish both during and after the war.”

According to her, the American agency is changing its focus to the future needs of Ukrainian agriculture and will support the diversification of its exports and the production of products with higher added value. The Harvest program will support micro, small, and medium grain and oil producers in expanding their export markets, which could further support Ukraine’s economy.

Coleman added that the Harvest program will aim to increase agricultural exports by an additional $1.5B and attract an additional $500M in private investment.


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