Ukrgazvydobuvannya reduces gas production by 4.3%.
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

In January-November 2021, the company which is a subsidiary of Naftogaz produced 12.49 bln cubic meters of natural gas, which is 4.32% less than in the same period last year. In November of this year, the company produced 1.126 bln cubic meters of natural gas (1.97% less, compared to the same period of last year). In 11 months, gas production decreased by 4.2% to 11.8 bln cubic meters. During the 11 months of 2021, Ukrgazvydobuvannya drilled 48 new wells, carried out 222 overhauls of wells, performed 575 coil tubing operations, 97 fracturing operations, 11 operations on drilling side shafts, reported Naftogaz.