Ukrainians are taking out mortgages more actively: Banks are issuing ₴1.2B monthly in loans.

Ukrainian banks issued 694 mortgage loans for a total amount of ₴1.2B in July, which is ₴200M ($5M) more than in June, the National Bank reports. The volume of consumer mortgage loans issued in July 2024 increased by 18.2% compared to the previous month and by 36.4% compared to July of last year.
In July, 11 banks that provided housing loans provided information about the provision of new mortgages. As before, most deals were concluded on the secondary real estate market. Almost all loans in July were granted within the framework of the eOselya subsidized mortgage program.
The weighted average effective rate on mortgage loans increased to 8% per annum in July from 7.6% in June and May. Regionally, the largest number of mortgage loans issued in July were in:
- Kyiv and the Kyiv region (₴657.7M, 54.8% of total volume)
- Lviv region (₴97.6M)
- Vinnytsia region (₴60.3M)
- Odesa region (₴40.3M)