Ukrainians are ready for EU tax norms but are not prepared for an immediate tax increase.

Most Ukrainians (52%) are inclined to believe that the tax policy should correspond to EU taxation, according to survey data from the Razumkov Center. At the same time, 35% of respondents believe this should happen after Ukraine acquires full membership in the EU, and 17% believe that it should happen even earlier. More than a quarter of respondents (29%) believe that Ukrainian tax policy should not correspond to EU approaches, and the rest of the respondents hesitated to answer.
As well, the survey showed that only 4.5% of Ukrainians believe that tax increases should be carried out promptly to ensure maximum revenue for the state budget in the short term. A quarter of respondents (25.5%) believe that tax increases should be implemented, but gradually, to balance the state’s need for additional revenue and the population’s limited purchasing power. Most Ukrainian citizens (58.1%) do not consider it appropriate to raise taxes, and the remaining 11.8% of respondents were undecided.