Ukrainian Velta attracted a grant worth more than €7M from the EU for its innovative titanium mining.

The Ukrainian company Velta, which mines titanium-bearing ores in the Kirovohrad region, received a four-year, €7.3M grant from the EU as part of the Resilient Value Chains 2024 competition through the REPTiS project. The project’s main goal is to improve all stages of titanium production, starting with the extraction of ilmenite ore at the Birzuliv deposit and ending with the production of end products, such as titanium powders with a low carbon footprint.
It is noted that this grant confirms Ukraine’s importance as a strategic partner of the EU in the critical materials field. The REPTiS project brought together 11 leading European companies and scientific institutes working with titanium. In addition, the Velta RD Titan research and development center will demonstrate its achievements in waste processing and production of high-quality titanium powders, allowing the creation of end products such as aircraft parts, medical implants, and watch cases.