Ukrainian Railways has opened a subsidiary in Poland.

Friday, July 14, 2023
Ukrainian Railways has opened a subsidiary in Poland.

Ukrainian Railways Cargo Poland will allow for improvement in cargo transportation management on European routes, Minister of Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov said. In addition, modernization of the border infrastructure will continue in parallel to increase throughput. At the first stage, Ukrainian Railways Cargo Poland will:

  1. provide comprehensive freight transportation services
  2. coordinate work with European operators, cargo owners, and border crossings
  3. control the company’s rolling stock abroad

“We are integrating Ukraine’s freight rail transportation system into the European space and starting the development of a full-fledged freight transportation operator on the territory of the EU countries,” said the head of the state company Yevhen Lyashchenko.

The international division’s long-term strategy is in the final stage of development, and the supervisory board will soon approve it for Ukrainian Railways.

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