Ukrainian farmers predict a 36% reduction in grain and oilseed crops.

The Ukrainian Grain Association (UGA) has given a preliminary estimate of the potential 2023 harvest at 68 million tons of grain and oilseeds, 36% less than 2021’s pre-war figure, 106 million. Last year the harvest amounted to 73.8 million tons of grain and oil crops.
Agrarians explain that the decrease in the future harvest’s volume is due to the occupation of a portion of farming territory, mining, military hostilities, and agrarian’s lack of funds and other resources for a full-fledged sowing campaign and crop cultivation.
According to the UGA, about 19.5 million hectares will be sown this year compared to 25 million in previous years. In addition, the predicted indicators depend on the results of sowing and subsequent weather conditions.
Under the anticipated conditions, exports from Ukraine in the new season of 2023/2024 may amount to 43.9 million tons. In the current season (which will end on June 30, 2023), exports can reach 56.4 million tons if the Ukrainian ports operate.