
Ukrainian drones attacked a Russian military airfield deep inside enemy territory.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Ukrainian drones attacked a Russian military airfield deep inside enemy territory.

Three Russian soldiers were killed on December 26 after a Ukrainian drone attack at the military airfield in Saratov Oblast, according to Russian state news agencies. The incident occurred in the western port city of Engels, located deep inside Russian territory, 830 km from the Ukrainian border. It is the second such attempted attack on the town, which houses the Engels-2 military airfield, a strategic bomber airbase, this month. Engels is a significant bomber operations base and is Russia’s sole operating location for the Tupolev Tu-160 strategic bomber. The base is home to the 121st Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment with the Tu-160M and the 184th Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment with the Tupolev Tu-95MS of the 22nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Division. Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson Yurii Ihnat did not claim direct responsibility for the drone incident at a Russian military, but he suggested the attack was the direct consequence of Russia’s actions.

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