Ukrainian defense startups will compete for €500,000 from a coalition of unicorn startup founders.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Ukrainian defense startups will compete for €500,000 from a coalition of unicorn startup founders.

Together with the DarkStar coalition, Estonian businessman Ragnar Sass has organized a five-day Extreme Bootcamp program for defense technology startups. The camp will cooperate with Ukrainian army units. Ten teams from around the world will be selected to participate in the Bootcamp and work on their projects together with the founders of European unicorn startups. Based on the program’s results, the best teams will share an investment of €1M, and the winner will receive €500,000.

Darkstar is a coalition of over 20 unicorn startup founders, hackers, and investors from Estonia, Ukraine, Germany, France, and Britain. Their goal is to build a European defense technology ecosystem.

Ragnar Sass founded the LIFT99 hub in Kyiv and Tallinn, Salto-X, and co-founded the Pipedrive CRM system and the Garage48 HUB co-working space.


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