Ukrainian banks noticed a UAH 1.4B increase in consumer deposits last month.

The total amount of May deposits by individuals in Ukrainian banks increased by UAH 1.4B and, as of June 1, amounted to UAH 1.0687T, reported the press service of the Guarantee Fund. It is noted that comprising the total deposit amount by individuals as of the beginning of June 2023 are deposits in national currency amounted to UAH 670B, and in foreign currency, UAH 398.7B.
According to several financial analysts, this trend is in response to the stabilized banking system and strong financial support from global institutions, which helped to increase confidence in Ukrainian bank account holders.
As reported by National Bank earlier this year, as of January 1, 2023 the total amount of individual deposits in Ukrainian banks amounted to UAH 1.0515T, UAH 375.9B, or 55.6% more than in 2022.