Ukrainian agrarians predict an 8% smaller harvest of grain and oil crops this year, hence a drop in exports.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Ukrainian agrarians predict an 8% smaller harvest of grain and oil crops this year, hence a drop in exports.

The Ukrainian Grain Association predicts that the 2024 harvest will amount to 76.1 million tons of grain and oilseed, which is 6.5 million tons, or 8%, less than last year.

A potential decrease in the new season’s harvest will occur because of a reduction in sown area, mainly under grain crops, due to unfavorable price conditions on the world market and relatively expensive export logistics. Therefore, the export of grain and oilseeds in the new season of 2024/2025 may amount to about 43.7 million tons.

In the current season, exports will amount to 53.1 million tons assuming the smooth operation of both the Ukrainian sea corridor and the Danube route.

The wheat harvest is expected to reach 20 million tons, and exports are expected to reach 13 million tons. Barley harvest – 4.6 million tons, exports 2 million tons; corn – 26.3 million tons and 20.5 million tons; sunflower – 13.7 million tons and 250,000 tons; rapeseed 4.2 million tons and 3.6 million tons.


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