Ukraine’s farmers have planted 80.6 % of last year’s area.

As of June 2, the sowing of spring cereals and legumes in Ukraine has been 80.6% completed compared to the previous year’s figures, announced the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. According to the ministry, the projected sown areas of the main spring crops for the 2022 harvest in the territory controlled by Ukraine are 14.2 million hectares, which is 2.76 million hectares less than last year. Sowing in Ukraine continues; buckwheat is sown to 81.9% of previous year’s figures, 73% of the area from last year’s sunflower has already been planted, and soybeans 96.6%. At the same time, the sowing of winter grain crops for the 2022 harvest covers 7.6 million hectares, which is 0.3 million hectares less than in 2021. In particular, 6.5 million hectares of winter wheat were sown, 0.3 million hectares less than in 2021.