Ukraine’s business relocation trends during the war.

Most businesses moved within Ukraine to the central or western regions, 11% of surveyed enterprises relocated abroad, and 17% said that they moved both within Ukraine and abroad, reported a Gradus survey. About half of the businesses responding to the survey have either already migrated or are planning to relocate and are preparing their business for it. Thus, 48% of business owners and managers believe that their company does not need relocation, and they are working in the same regions where they worked before the war. Also, 12% stated that there was a complete or partial relocation of the business, and another 20% are currently in the relocation process. On the other hand, 18% of surveyed enterprises need relocation and are planning it, but it has not yet done so. Those moving to the EU mostly choose Poland (63%) and Germany (25%), as well as Belgium, Bulgaria, and Estonia.