Ukraine’s accelerated integration into the EU should become a central foreign policy element for the EU, the US, and Britain.

Friday, December 20, 2024
Ukraine’s accelerated integration into the EU should become a central foreign policy element for the EU, the US, and Britain.

According to Mykhailo Bno-Airiyan, Eurofasttrack is not just a political choice but a strategic necessity.

“For Europe and the US, this is a unique chance to consolidate Ukraine in the Western democratic space, significantly reduce the risk of future conflicts, and ensure long-term stability in Eastern Europe. In addition, this will help avoid an ideological turn similar to the one currently observed in Georgia and partly in Moldova. Eurofasttrack is not only about Ukraine but also about strengthening the entire European project,” Bno-Airiyan noted.

In his opinion, the US, under the new administration’s leadership, has a unique opportunity to become a key driver of Ukraine’s successful European integration, as it can help eliminate bureaucratic and political obstacles that threaten to delay the process. In addition, the US position in negotiations with the Russian Federation will play a decisive role in reducing potential Russian resistance to Ukraine’s EU integration.

Ukraine’s European integration is not simply an economic or political goal but a fundamental element of peace, stability, and security in the region.


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