Ukraine tax reform wants part-time workers to be taxed.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Ukraine tax reform wants part-time workers to be taxed.

A draft of new tax reform is being prepared in Ukraine, according to which more than 20 types of professional activity will be obliged to pay taxes. To pay taxes on part-time work, a person will need to register with the tax office and use a cash register if required, for example, taxi drivers. The tax rate on such income will be 5.5%. During the year, income from a temporary or part-time job should not exceed 153 minimum wages, which amounts to UAH 994,500 ($35,500) per year or UAH 82,875 ($2,960) per month in 2022. For higher incomes, the tax will be 18%. Among these 20 professions are taxi drivers, babysitters, photographers, barbers, and many others), reported epravda.

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