Ukraine paralyzed the work of a Russian metallurgical plant that is critical for its defense industry.

Friday, July 5, 2024
Ukraine paralyzed the work of a Russian metallurgical plant that is critical for its defense industry.

On the night of July 1, the Main Directorate of Intelligence and the Foreign Intelligence Service, paralyzed operations at the Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant (OEMK). This plant is the only full-cycle metallurgical enterprise in Russia.

As a result of the attack by Ukrainian kamikaze drones, two main electrical substations in the Belgorod region stopped working. Therefore, the company was de-energized, all-electric arc furnaces were stopped, and their metal solidified. The Russians must clean the furnaces and replace the arc elements to restart them, but this can take months. There is also a possibility that new furnaces will have to be installed.

The metallurgical plant is important for the Russian military-industrial complex, as it produces high-quality steel for the automotive industry and engineered applications.

Also on July 1, Ukrainian pilots inflicted a devastating blow on an ammunition depot in the temporarily occupied Crimea.


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