Ukraine must develop a realistic military strategy because this year will be a turning point in the war.

Time published a list of global risks for 2024, which included a “divided Ukraine.” The Russian invasion of Ukraine remains a “historical failure,” the article says.
“This year, Ukraine will be de facto divided, and Russia now has the initiative on the battlefield and the material advantage. 2024 is a turning point in the war: and if Ukraine does not solve its personnel problems, increase its weapons production, and soon develop realistic military strategy, its territorial losses may increase,” Time writes.
The publication notes that Ukraine has suffered greatly due to the reduction of political and material support from the US, and the prospects for European aid are only slightly better. Also, Ukraine desperately needs additional troops.
This year, Kyiv will take greater military risks, including strikes on more targets in Russia, which will provoke an unprecedented response from the Russian Federation and may involve NATO in the conflict, the article says.