Ukraine is preparing for the second stage of currency liberalization.

The head of the National Bank, Andriy Pyshnyi, specified that he foresees an easing of trade financing and the possibility of paying interest on the obligations of Ukrainian issuers.
At the same time, the easing of restrictions does not currently provide for the return of the principal amounts and the body of the corresponding obligations. This will happen at the next stage of currency liberalization. The primary purpose of currency restrictions is encouraging new money to enter Ukraine.
At the same time, the President of ICC Ukraine, Volodymyr Shchelkunov, believes that the economic situation in the country is changing for the better and that there is no longer a need to apply strict currency restrictions. Instead, they hinder the attraction of investment to Ukraine. After all, it is necessary to remember that any investor’s main goal is making a profit. If there are problems with earning a profit, this negatively affects the investment climate indicators.
“The NBU has chosen the right course to ease currency restrictions and should not stop removing all other obstacles“, Shchelkunov summarized.