Ukraine is increasing biomethane production and exporting bioethanol to the EU.

The production of biomethane, bioethanol, and biodiesel is important for the agricultural sector and processing industry, and for ensuring Ukraine’s energy independence, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy Vitaly Holovnya said. According to him, Ukrainian businesses will be able to produce up to one billion cubic meters of biomethane in 2030 and 16 billion cubic meters of biomethane in 2050.
“For the agricultural sector, processing waste into biomethane and bioethanol is additional efficiency and added value. Previously, farmers did not know how best to dispose of waste. But now, Ukraine already has its first biomethane plant, and new ones are planned to be opened by the end of the year,” he noted.
He also informed that most of the bioethanol produced in Ukraine is exported to the EU. Moreover, in Ukraine, bioethanol is already added to gasoline, and after the adoption of a relevant law, manufacturers will be required to use at least 5% biofuel in gasoline.